Thursday, March 28, 2013

Here's the latest video additions we wanted to share with you on Talknet Now!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Whether you're a mother, grand mother, great grand mother, god mother, adoptive mother or foster mother, you deserve to be recognized and appreciated as someone who brought life into this world, nurtured a young child, or helped to raise someone else's child.  I want to stop and say thank you to each and every one of you.  I hope your day was a special one, filled with all the love, joy and happiness reserved only for you.

Dr. Gary L. Jenkins, President
The Gospel America Broadcast Network
Gary Jenkins Films

Monday, February 13, 2012

Gary Jenkins/TalkNet Now
Connecticut Responds to the Death of Whitney Houston
Dr. Gary L. Jenkins, Host of TalkNet Now

As I watched the news reports on the death of Whitney Houston, I was overwhelmed with emotion over the tragic loss of a beautiful God-given gift.  In a recent interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer Houston said, "Don't pray for the drugs, pray for me."  Houston went on to say that no matter what, she is a "child of God."

I agree, that no matter who we are or even how far we may fall, those of us who accept Jesus as Lord have hope of salvation.  

Now you can see what others in Connecticut had to say about Whitney's death by clicking on the video below, a special TalkNet Now presentation.

The Death of Whitney Houston

I am deeply saddened and my heart is heavy over the death of Whitney Houston.  She was one of my favorite singers.  Like most of us, I don't know the details of what she was going through in her last hours of life, but obviously, she was troubled and hurting.  I know that her family tried to reach out to her many times.  I only wish that someone could have saved her and reminded her of the countless lives she touched with her music and how she inspired so many with her powerful performances.

My prayers are with her mother Cissy, her daughter Bobbi-Kristina, former husband, Bobby Brown and all the members of her family.  We'll gather your response on camera soon so get ready to tell us how you feel over the news of Whitney's death.  We'll share your comments coming up on TalkNet Now.